Wireless World

Wireless World

Will there be a day that everything will be wireless ,free of cords, free of wires ,not to worry about finding a wire to plug in to charge a device or turn on an equipment

just to to load an equipment with energy with no Wires attached and no special docks I don’t know if Solar Panels can do that ,who knows maybe there is a new era of energy coming if its then I want it to be Safe ,Sustainable ,Efficient and Cheap

its hectic when all the wires get tangled and you need to plugin all and sometimes you don’t have enough sockets then, you will need another extension cord with more sockets that complicates things even more

with the growing gadgets mobile ,smart watches, AirPods or headphones and laptops the list goes on for all these needs ,for everything you add you are adding another extra wire

so, its not just room decluttering of things we don’t need now we need to declutter and arrange these wires so they are not in the way and doesn’t tangle .

lets imagine for a minute , that we don’t need any more wires attachment extensions or sockets what will the world be like ,how our lives will be ?

  • NO More Tangled Wires
  • NOT Worried anymore of my Phone running out of charge
  • I will not even know what the word Charge means
  • Not setting next to a sockets waiting for a device to be charged
  • I am Free
  • no one will ask me if I have a charging wire
  • my bag will be lighter because I don’t need to carry a portable charger

Looking forward to that day

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