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Are You Happy?

  • How DO You Define happiness?
  • What makes you happy ?
  • What’s it that will make your eyes bright and make you Smile?

After giving this a deep thought, its true that happiness is a feeling of pleasure and satisfaction .But Happiness definition is different for each individual

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A Rainy Day might make you happy but it will surely make a person with a broken roof sad

I guess we need to have a moment with ourselves and make a list of things that make us happy for those days when we feel down we look into that list and try to find our happiness

its always the simple things that make us happy ,things that are not materialistic

  • The smell of Baked Bread
  • A Smile of an innocent child
  • Roses
  • Nice weather
  • Having an extra hour to sleep before your alarm rings
  • your favorite movie on tv
  • Your Mobile fully charged
  • to know more people are intersted in what I am writing
  • Being able to help others
  • Paying it forward
  • Being able to add unforgettable finger prints in the world
  • Trying something new even if it fails
  • Teaching my kids something that will last with them forever
  • Window shopping
  • The smell of coffee

I am not done the list can go on

I am sure my list will be way different than yours, I am really interested in knowing what makes others happy , sometimes when we look at other lists we can be surprised

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its not about expensive cars ,major accomplishments or being with a specific person ,its always about simple things .

I guess if you can be happy alone then nothing can make you unhappy

so How DO You Define Happiness ?

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