A New You


Do you really need a change?

Do you really need a new you?

What happened in 2021, have you accomplished all your goal ?

Did you even have goals?

Dont worry its not just you, you don’t need to freak out if you didn’t set any goals or if you didn’t achieve any of your previous goals , I am sure that you are working on them it might just be slow , everything will happen in the right time.

You can start now and you can continue where you started to be closer to your dream.

If you feel lost and you are not sure about your goals or if you feel you don’t have any dreams contact me or comment below we can help each other

What matters now is that you realize you want to change and so that’s you first step to achieve your goal.

Lets dream more

Lets plan it together

Get Your Online Life Coach ,We know that not everyone wants to share the matters they want to resolve with a coach on a face-to-face basis. They want to deal with their issue on their own whenever and wherever they want but they still want to be guided. Neither they want to spend a lot of money in current challenging time.

Food Chemistry

Ever wonder how food was invented ?

Food Chemistry Images, Stock Photos & Vectors | Shutterstock

How did they figure out which ingredients to combine to give a distinguished dish with a great taste, how there are different cuisines for different cultures

How every individual has a different taste bud ,makes him or her prefer a specific flavor over another one

Are You a Picky Eater? Maybe Blame Your Taste Buds - Penn Medicine

How some food can make you happy comfortable and some might make you sad , I guess its all related to the memory which will remind you of a previous situation while you were eating that dish.

Its not just emotions it can also remind us of people how a dish can remind you of your mother

How some food are pleasant to look at like a sunset that you dont want it to end.

Food Porn and Brain. Are You Ready For Foodgasm? | TWIFT

How Me and You can make the same dish from the same exact ingredients and end up with different taste.

How a certain dish can take us around the world, Fish and Chips all the way to the UK, Sushi to Japan, Margoog to Saudi Arabia and of Course Pizza to Italy ,Burgers to the USA.

طريقة عمل المرقوق الشهي باللحم والدجاج | احكي
Margoog Famous Saudi Food

How food is a Celebration ,we gather to eat

How Liqamat and Vimto juice remind us of The Holy Month of Ramadan in our culture and community

How some food are only linked to a certain occasion i.e. Stuffed turkey for Thanks Giving , Mandi and Mufattah for Eid .

AliExpress WW

All the different food habits around the world, all different types of diets which emerge every year from Atkins to Ketogenic Diet what works and what doesn’t.

How a single Egg can be cooked in all different ways Baked, Boiled,Steamed and fried

Keep Food Safe | FoodSafety.gov

Food is Chemistry I believe its a Feeling and an Emotion that speaks for itself ,how combining flour eggs ,sugar and butter can turn into a lovely wedding cake or just a pizza , same ingredients but different outcome.

it really matters what we eat to stay fit and healthy and I believe that we need to be physically active to burn those calories

making smart healthy choices while cooking or while ordering food will help us stay healthy and fit , we shouldn’t forget that stress and emotional upset makes us make bad choice with our food and slows down our metabolism.

We know that not everyone wants to share the matters they want to resolve with a coach on a face-to-face basis. They want to deal with their issue on their own whenever and wherever they want but they still want to be guided. Neither they want to spend a lot of money in current challenging time.

New in Town

it was bit stressful in the beginning that we had to do a lot in a short time to settle, before we moved we had to go for a lot of shopping but unfortantly because of Covid Pandmic we depended a lot on online shopping and comparing items and reading the descriptions then choosing and ordering or sometimes we had to pass by the store to see what it really looks in reality.

AliExpress WW

there were some ups and downs some funny and some awkward moments which has added to our life experience for e.g. we went and checked out a Samsung Fridge Side by Side Door https://amzn.to/2OOQV0D , we liked the fridge and everything was great about we started making list of things to put in it but when we were back to our kitchen we took measurements and we got shocked that it will fit but the freezer door will not open .so we were back to square one and in search again of a fridge that will fit and doors open . so, the lesson we learned was to know your dimensions ahead .

we were looking for an Electric Cooker we choose the Mabe Freestanding Ceramic Cooker EML835NXF0 https://amzn.to/3soDFOs

it has a convection fan and what we love about it and why we chose it ,because of the control buttons being on the top for the safety our exploring lovely kids

Soon will upload a Youtube Video about Our Mabe Cooker and other appliances.

we make ourselves busy with different activities and exploration .

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