International Happiness Day

Spred Happiness by f_its_trending Create Your Logo , card posts and edit videos you can also create slide shows easily by useing Canva


Suffering from dry skin specially with the cold dry weather ,hands cracking ,burning whenever you try to wash them it happens to me every winter or if I used any strange detergent also with sanitizer’s nowadays I have tried a lot of moisturizing creams non medication as I was avoiding using topical steroids ,some gaveContinue reading “Lotion”


Are You Happy? How DO You Define happiness? What makes you happy ? What’s it that will make your eyes bright and make you Smile? After giving this a deep thought, its true that happiness is a feeling of pleasure and satisfaction .But Happiness definition is different for each individual A Rainy Day might makeContinue reading “Happy”

Casting Kit

We have all different memories across our lives Acomplishments Graduation Engagments Wedding Showers Weddings Baby Shower New Baby Born New House A lot of memories to cherish We can freeze a moment by using this kit which I came across on TikTok thanks to Corinna_1517 for posting it, sop every moment you look into thisContinue reading “Casting Kit”

Funky flip flop socks

click on the image below if you are interested in these crazy socks اذا حاب تشتري فردة شراب اضغط على الصورة


Check out this free app — It Pays to Walk 🚶 I came across the SweatCoin application ,which counts your steps and transfer them into Sweatcoins.. with the Sweatcoins you can use there shop to get some items either by full price or discounted. if you are interested add me Enjoy Walking

A New You

2022 Do you really need a change? Do you really need a new you? What happened in 2021, have you accomplished all your goal ? Did you even have goals? Dont worry its not just you, you don’t need to freak out if you didn’t set any goals or if you didn’t achieve any ofContinue reading “A New You”